Storytime : (Thursday morning 10:00)
Back to School Sept. 1
Grandparents’ Day Sept. 8
At the Fair ! Sept. 15
Curious Day Sept. 22
Fall Farm Fun Sept. 29
Llama Llama Red Pajama Oct. 6
Storytime programs include readings, finger plays, a craft and (usually) a snack. Programs last approximately 45 minutes. Parents are welcome to stay with their children and participation throughout the program is optional. Storytime is open to all preschoolers and no registration is necessary. Caregivers and storytimers often stay after the program for playtime in the children’s room, book selection, and socializing.
The Bookmark Society will meet Thursday Sept. 22 at 6:30. They are reading Jill Smolinski”s The Next Thing on My List , a guilt-ridden young woman tackles someone else’s to do list with interesting results. All readers are welcome.
Delaware County Leads Headstart donated a book cart to the library which makes it much easier to sort and shelve returned books. Another furniture addition came from Buckeye Valley East - a low computer table that will be a real asset to story time.
Thank You The County Liners 4-H Club earned $320.60 with a car wash, and they donated the money to the Wornstaff Library. The money will be used for purchasing some appropriate books and, possibly, presenting a related program.
September - the Buddha Board back at the desk, the school bus in the Children’s room, two foot red noodle beans, School! and the fair.

Barbara Nibert, a long time library employee and frequent “front person at the desk, will be retiring at the end of September. She will be missed by many patrons and the rest of the staff. Please take time during the month to thank her for her years of service and the friendly face she offers library patrons.
The August Community Garden program, Preparing Fresh Vegetables was presented by Dianne May from the Delaware OSU Extension Office. She discussed the values of a rainbow of fruits and vegetables and fixed a zucchini casserole which was shared with those attending. Participants brought some produce and vegetable dishes to share. Handouts on the purchase, care, and use of fresh produce;; and seasoning vegetables were provided. There will be a garden clean-up meeting to review this year and plan for next year sometime in October. Enjoy the Fair !
Ashley Walking Group Sign up for the FREE 8-week non-competitive walking group and get a FREE pedometer. Thursday evening, September 8 at 6:00pm is the starting date. Contact Audra Jordan at the Delaware County Health Department. 740-203-2012 or
Delaware County Fair Booklets are available at the library. Booklets include a full schedule of exhibits and judging and specifications for categories. The All-Horse Parade is Sunday, Sept. 11 at 3:00. The fair starts Sept. 17 and ends Sept. 24. Labor Day - celebrate with a book. Cool Women, Hot Jobs ; Gig ; Dangerous Jobs ; Water Cooler Diaries ; and 50 Jobs Worse Than Yours all portray various aspects of working. For the more serious minded there’s Death in the Haymarket (about the first labor movement) and a DVD, Harlan County.
Ashley Polling Site for precincts A & B has been changed from the Wornstaff library to White Lily. Voting for both precincts was recently consolidated at the library. Now a second change has been made as a review of the facilities by the election board had concerns that the library space would not be adequate for the number of voters anticipated in 2012. We have been assured that this change is no reflection on the library.
Money Counts is a series of financial literacy programs collaboratively presented by The Wornstaff Library, The Sunbury Community Library, and the Delaware County District Library. The Wornstaff Library programs will begin on Oct. 5 with a “Right on the Money” family program, followed by a Nov. 15 program on Fraud and a Dec. 13 program on Credit Cards. Programs at the other libraries also include Investments, Shopping on a Shoestring, Credit Reports, and Wall Street Wizards. Pick up a full schedule of programs and fit appropriate ones into your schedule.
Back to School : Your library can help. Bring your laptop to the library and take advantage of the wireless connection. Use the library computers. There’s no time limit (and perhaps a little help) when you sign on to do homework. Whether you are in the library or at home you can access databases that can help through the library website ( MasterFILE Premier provides real full-text magazine articles. Learning Express has aids and practice tests for a variety of subjects. Mango Languages could be your own personal tutor.
Books are still valuable sources of information - especially if the assignment involves reading one. We can even borrow from other libraries so if there is a special project or a hard to find novel, a little planning ahead can get make a difference.
Homeschoolers may really appreciate library resources. That borrowing aspect is good, plus reference materials, and multiple sources. The library also has a Home School section with textbooks, reproducible worksheets, and supplementary materials.
Home Learning Media and Discovery Kits also provide supplementary materials ranging from exploring feelings with preschoolers to a weather station, microscope, or electricity kit.